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录入者:ZW庄薇  人气指数: 次  发布时间:2013年08月19日


 1. 2012年底,《中国好声音》在澳门举办了首场演唱会。我很喜欢中国好声音这个节目,为此特地买了票和家人一起去听。
 2. 中国好声音是去年夏季全国最热的歌唱节目,吸引了很多观众的视线,甚至得到了外国媒体的关注。如今,大街小巷到处能听到好声音学员的歌曲。
3. 此次,学员和导师们分别演唱了他们最擅长的歌曲。虽然当天天气很热,十分拥挤,音响效果也不是很好,但演唱会现场座无缺席,观众们随着学员们一起歌唱,极为兴奋。我也被深深感染了
2. 不要逐字翻译
中国好声音 The Voice of China
歌唱节目    singing show
媒体        media/medium
At the end of 2012, The Voice of China held its first concert in Macao, which attracted a large number of people to enjoy the high-level performance. I am a big fan of the show, so I bought some tickets to the concert with my family.
The Voice of China which drew audience’s attention on TV was the hottest singing show throughout China last year. And the show was even reported by several foreign medium. Nowadays, songs sang by learners and instructors from the show can be heard here and there.
During the exciting concert, learners, as well as their instructors chose some songs that they were good at, such as Baby from Dinging. Although it was hot and crowded, and the sound effects were not so perfect, there was not any empty seat during the performance. The audience sang along with singers, nearly every word of the songs. I was deeply impressed by the live performance and lost myself in the atmosphere. What a wonderful night it was. I really hoped that more excellent shows like the Voice of China could bring joy to all of us.
The first concert of the Voice of China was held successfully n Macao at the end of 2012. I am so interested in this program that I bought the tickets to enjoy with my family.
The Voice of China was the hottest singing show of China last summer, attracting the eyes of a large number of audience, and even the foreign medium’s attention. Nowadays, the singing from the show can be heard everywhere.
This time, learners and their instructors both sang some songs that they did best. Though it was hot as well as crowded, and the sound system was something wrong, there was not an empty seat in the concert. The audience was extremely excited. I was also deeply impressed by it.