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some language points in U16 蒋虹

录入者:teacher  人气指数: 次  发布时间:2012年01月13日

1.hold up the roof;  

 hold up/raise my hand;   

hold up the traffic;   

hold on(电话用语)  


2.long for sth.  die for sth.  


3.expand/enlarge my vocabulary;   

expand exchange and cooperation;   

expand the market and employment;   

The mind will expand with experience.  

The city expands rapidly.  





I have reached the point in my life ____ I am supposed to make decisions on my own. A. which  B. where  C. how  D. why  

To some point, I am supposed to …  


5. (1) have sb./sth. do;   

get sb./sth. to do   


  (2) have/get sb./sth. done 被动  

  (3) have sb./sth. doing  一直做某事;动作的延续  

       won’t have sb. doing (否定句)容忍某人做某事  

     get sb. doing 开始做某事  


6. A friend in need is a friend indeed.  
