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Unit 16 Stories 听说课教学设计

录入者:netlab  人气指数: 次  发布时间:2009年01月17日


Unit 16 Stories  听说课教学设计  

一、           教材内容分析(Analysis of the teaching material  

1.      教学内容:(content of the text)  

听说课 name story  

2.      教学内容分析:(analysis of the text)  

The main topic of this unit is about stories. The first lesson is about a historical story of the ancient city   Pompeii   and lesson 2 is listening-skilled based text about name story and the third lesson is sort of part of a biography about Helen Keller. Besides, there is an article about the origins of English surnames in Culture Corner. Considering the students’ learning habit and their ability, I decide to use lesson 2 and cultural corner as the first step in the teaching of the Stories. In this way, I will prepare the students with a better concept of what is story and make them learn something about name stories.  

二、           设计思想(Designing ideas  

1.    根据《高中英语教学大纲》的要求,在课堂教学中,必须以学生为主体、为中心进行教学,教师在教学中起主导作用。因此我采用任务型教学方式,每一部分都设有一定的任务,引导学生自主或合作完成。教学过程猜测名字开始,并从猜测班级同学的名字引入教学重点。在听力之前,先把听力中出现的生词和短语进行简单的讲解。听力过程由整体入手,由易到难,步步推进,层层深入。先让学生泛听,让学生明白听力的基本内容后,进行第二遍的听力。在第二遍听力之前,在投影中打出部分听力原文,中间会有单词短语的缺失,而缺失的单词短语正式听力中的关键词汇。接着进行第二次听力活动,在第二次听力中,要求学生进行记录,不仅是空白处要求的单词短语,还有学生自认为重要的单词短语。听完后,邀请学生填空。在第二次听力后,相信学生普遍对听力材料已有深刻的了解,接下来进行pair-work,要求同桌之间互相介绍刚才听过的材料中人物名字的意义,并收集学生对听力材料的理解,巩固刚才所要求的key words。 在三个听力材料听完之后,让学生按照Exercise 1 的格式,准备一个有趣的name story,然后四个同学为一个群体,互相介绍故事,让同学们猜测名字。然后,引导同学阅读culture corner 中的英语姓氏的来源,并完成相应的阅读题目。  

2.      运用交际手段,培养学生能力。绝大部分学生主要是在课堂上学习英语,而在现实生活中缺少语言交际的环境和场所。从语言学角度来看,语言是人与人之间最常用最有效最重要的一种交通工具。交际能力是指在真实的情景中运用语言进行听说读写、交流信息和思想感情的能力。在教学中我努力创设和提供情景操练的机会,尽可能的将真实生活搬进课堂,注意在教学中为学生创设语言交际的环境。同时,还注意到交际是双向的,是说者和听着双向交流思想的过程。在这一过程中,双边地位是不断发生变化,互相转换的。所以,尝试着将上课开始教师问学生答的free talk模式改为放手让学生互相问答,自由对话。  

3.      在课堂教学过程中,学生应该跟老师学学习方法,提高听说技巧。积极参与小组的各项活动,展现自己和小组的能力,并培养团队协作能力。在整个教学活动中,学生充分调动其各个感官进行听、说、读、写,积极主动的学习。  

三、           学情分析(Analysis of the students  

1.    本课的教学对象是高二学生,每个人的名字多少都会有些意思,所以对这些故事学生也有自己的看法,因此他们对本课内容充满极大兴趣。兴趣是学习的润滑剂,这样就有利于开展各种讨论活动。但学生英语基础比较薄弱,所以鼓励他们用简单的英语语言表达自己的观点。在英语学习上,他们不只是想把英语作为一门死记硬背的课程来学,更希望能学到知识性和趣味性兼有的内容,从英语学习中获得更多的知识和能力。由此在设计教学时考虑了这一点,努力把知识性与趣味性融入其中。  

2.      学生听力,特别是听重点词的能力还是有所欠缺。  

3.      课堂上学生活动积极,但人数多,调控有一定难度。  

四、           教学目标(Teaching aims  

1.      核心任务  


2.      学习目标:  

A.     知识技能:.  

(1)    学习掌握一些生词或短语:  

如:pillar of society, specific  ancestor, significance, inspire, abnormal, admirable, vivid, particular, tease, hardship等。

(2)    提高学生语言听、说、读的能力及做笔记的技巧  

B.     学习策略  

1.      认知策略  


2.      调控策略  


3.      交际策略  


4.      资源策略  


C.     文化意识  

1.      通过听力和阅读了解各种有趣的名字,增进学生的感情。  

2.      学习不同类型的姓氏,理解其他文化。  

五、           教学策略(Teaching strategies  

1.      课前布置学生准备一两个有趣的名字故事,这样在课堂上学生才能有的放矢,更愿意主动进行交流。  

2.      针对学生听力能力较差,设计合理的听力要求。  

3.      教学中指导学生主动地获取知识,培养技能,注重师生之间、生生之间的交流,以突出学生的主体地位。  

4.      挖掘教材的情感因素,在教学中渗透情感关怀,关注学生非智力因素的发展。  

六、           教学方法分析(Analysis of the teaching methods)  


七、   教学重点和难点(Teaching important and difficult points  

 1. 培养学生听力技巧:听取重要的单词短语;   

 2. 向同学流利地讲述介绍姓名故事  

3. 学生在听力及表达方面由于水平不一,肯定会出现一些语言障碍  

八、   教学工具(Teaching aids  

1. The multimedia   2. a tape recorder   3. the blackboard  

九、   教学过程 (Teaching procedures)  

Step I  Warm-up & Lead-in  

1.       Project some interesting Chinese names and ask the students to classify the types.  


Time of birth

Animals showing 12 year circle

Parents expectations


Special times


Surname of both parents












2.       Show 3 name simple stories of the students in the same class on the screen and ask students to guess who they are.

1)His second name means doing good to the public.  

2)  Her second name means sunny.

3)  The significance of her name is clouds in the fall.



Step Listening  

Pre-listening:   Vocabulary   Building  

1. specific        a) lively                7. ancestor         a) better than others

2. significance     b) difficulties            8. inspire          b) forefather

3. abnormal       c) very unusual          9. admirable        c) make fun of

4. vivid          d) particular             10. tease           d) respectable

5. hardship        e) importance           11. stand out        e) encourage

6. pillar of society  f) someone who helps to build a better future                    


While listening

 Listen to the tape for the first time and ask the students to grasp the main idea.

Tasks: can you hear how many significances of her/his name?

Listen for the second time and before listening, ask the students to go through the questions projected on the screen and while listening, they must take notes.

Task: fill in the blanks and try to write down the Chinese equivalence of Wangj Jiannan.


1) My name Jiannan doesn't have just one _______ meaning.

2).Nan is a type of wood that is used to ______ the room in construction of traditional Chinese houses. They wanted me to grow up to be a _____________.

3) Chinese names can also have significance according to their sounds. In my case, Jiannan sounds like ____________.

4) It also sounds another set of characters that _________ “built in the south”.


1) Smith is one of the most ____ names in Britain.

2)Smith is somebody works with ______.

3) although none of my family can ______ which ancestor was a smith but I ______ we must have had one sometime in the⌠žast.

4) Heather is a _______ that grows a lot in certain parts of the country. So my mother named me Heather to _________ and so…


1)It is a very ________ name that doesn't ______ anywhere and you wouldn’t …

2) but I believe if you ___ deep enough, every name has a story to it.

3) there is a lot of industry there. He _________ a lot of ______ and ______ all his life to provide a good future for his family and I __________ for that.

4). my parents are classical musicians and they ___________ a famous violinist called Itzhak Perlman.


Post listening

Project a brief name story on the screen and ask the students to follow the structure and write a short name stories themselves and after finishing, show the story to their desk mate.

Example: My name is Chen Hua. The character of my first name “Hua” has two parts. It has “Ma” meaning a horse on the left and “Hua” meaning China on the right. The character as a whole means a fast black horse and it’s pronounced “Hua”.

【设计说明】这个speaking 环节是“output”的一部分,旨在让学生演练在听力中学习到的单词短语及句型,并且通过与同学之间的互相对话,训练“说”这个技巧。

Step III  Reading extension  

Ask students to go through the text in Cultural corner as quickly as they can and answer the questions required after reading.


Step IV Homework  

1.       Write down a short name story of yours or some one you are familiar with. Try to use as many as of the words and expressions we have learned.  

2.       Finish the exercise on P in the exercise book.  

十、        教学反思和评价 (Rethink and assessment)  

这节课的预期目标是让学生听三个姓名故事,了解英语姓氏的来源,谈论自己觉得有意思的名字,培养学生的听说能力和阅读理解能力,激发学生对生活乐观积极的态度。在listening comprehension环节中,问题设置有难有易,适合不同层次的学生,这样多数同学都能在课堂上积极发言,基本上达到了预期目标。在延伸环节中,学生对culture corner 中介绍的英语姓氏的来源这一话题很感兴趣,对说设置的问题回答很积极。  

爱因斯坦曾说过:“兴趣是最好的老师。” 托尔斯泰也曾说过:“成功的教学所需要的不是强制而是激发学生兴趣。”这节课成功的关键在于老师给学生创造了一个宽松民主和谐的学习空间,从而激发了他们学习的兴趣。并且在问题设计方面也体现了适合各个层次学生的特点。  
