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录入者:lgr  人气指数: 次  发布时间:2021年05月25日



大逆转” major upset

路透社在一篇综述里把本届奥运会的排球比赛称为数十年来竞争最为激烈的排球赛事the most competitive in decades on the volleyball court),而女排比赛之所以激烈,在于出现不少大逆转的比赛major upsets seen among the women’s teams)“upset”这个词日常多用来描述心情沮丧,也有打乱的意思,比如肠胃不适 upset one’s stomach在这里用来形容反败为胜和出人意料的胜利(歪果仁用词真生动)。


其中最大的冷门当然就是由平均年龄24岁的中国姑娘们完成的。大多数外媒都用出人意料来形容中国队的这枚金牌a surprise victory。《今日亚洲》(Asia Today) 则评论道,中国女排的胜利无疑是本届奥运会最戏剧性的时刻之一。和最后的胜利形成强烈对比的是女排初期的比赛。许多外媒都提到了开局不妙a shaky start,中国队一开始就不被看好,不幸落入强手如林的第二组,小组赛可谓成绩惨淡。

可是姑娘们没有放弃,一路奋战,力克两届奥运会冠军巴西队和欧洲强队荷兰(形容巴西用的是the “reigning” champions of the last two Olympics,美国全国广播公司管这场比赛叫史诗般的东山再起,“an epic comeback”)。
决赛迎战来势汹汹的新贵塞尔维亚(美联社用的是the upstart Serbiansupstart有点嘚瑟的新手的意思,还是挺贴切的呢),在输了一局的情况下扳回三局,这全过程可不是跌宕起伏的一出大戏?正如BBC解说员在直播时总结的,中国证明了,重要的不是如何开始,而是如何结束。China proved it’s not how you start the game, it is how you finish.

铁榔头” Iron Hammer

美联社(AP)直接在标题里写道:中国女排赢得金牌,教练创造历史China captures women’s volleyball gold, coach makes history。特别突出了作为运动员和教练都获得过奥运冠军,郎平是第一个。Lang Ping became the first person to win volleyball gold as a coach and player)。

美国全国广播公司(NBC)也以中国女排夺金,改写历史为标题China volleyball wins gold, rewrites history郎平在排球历史上写下了自己的名字。她已经是首位执教奥运金牌球队的女教练,如今中国队以三比一战胜塞尔维亚队,她成为作为运动员和教练都获得过奥运冠军的第一人。


中国女排的主攻手outside hitter),以最高分25分获得里约奥运会女排MVP(最有价值球员)。国际排联(FIVB)还评选出了奥运女排的最佳阵容,主攻手朱婷和自由人(libero)林莉入选。 路透社(Reuters)把朱婷称为中国最主要的得分手”(top scorer),形容她的扣杀势不可挡Serbia beat off an 8-point run by China and went down to an unstoppable spike by Chinese scorer Zhu Ting.)




The fact was that the team’s international ranking had dropped, and it had failed to make the semi-finals in the London Olympics. For a couple of years, its lackluster performance had disappointed the volleyball fans.


Lang Ping realized that the national team was at an all-time low, just as in 1995. That year, under the management of Lang Ping, the national team regrouped to win a silver medal at the Atlanta Olympic Games and again at the World Championship Tournament. Now, she must take advantage of her rich experience accumulated over the years in her career to lead another group of players to reach a new peak.



At the 2016 Rio Olympics the China National Women’s Volleyball Team defeated one strong opponent after another, and won the gold medal after beating the tough Serbian team in the final. After twelve years, the Chinese team once again stood on the highest place of the Olympic Games victory platform.



The China Women's National Volleyball Team (Chinese: 中国国家女子排球队, or 中国女排for short) represents the People's Republic of China ininternational volleyball competitions and friendly matches, governed by Chinese Volleyball Association. 



They are one of the leading and most successful squads in women's international volleyball, having won ten championships titles in the three major international competitions of volleyball, including five World Cups (1981, 1985, 2003, 2015, 2019), two World Championships (1982, 1986) and three Olympic titles (1984, 2004 and 2016). The current head coach is Lang Ping.



China took five consecutive World titles in the 1980s. In 2011, 2014, 2015 and 2016, the Chinese women's volleyball team won the "Best team" award in the CCTV sportsmanship competition.中国女排在80年代获得了五连冠,曾在2011年、2014年、2015年和2016年四度获得CCTV体坛风云人物评选最佳团队奖